About the Author – ValueInvestingNow.com

After serving 6 years in the US Navy, I completed 7 years of education in accounting and earned a Masters of Science in Accounting. I practiced as a Certified Public Accountant for over 12 years and have provided bookkeeping, accounting, and tax services for over 30 years. During that time I personally feel that my clients taught me more than I taught them.
I have written over 200 articles about value investing that are posted to this site. It all started with an economic theory called ‘marginal value’; i.e., those companies that are marginally better than other similar operations outperform their competition dramatically in the stock market. In turn, this marginal value prevents deep losses, provides faster recoveries and higher than normal post recovery highs with their stock price. When an investor pays attention to this, a lot of value can be acquired.
After eight years of preparing the foundation of resources, I tested value investing principles by creating an investment fund that adhered to the core tenet and principles of value investing. Over the last five years, this Fund has outperformed the best major index by 8 percent!
Look at the results lifetime to date through September 30, 2024.
No other website documents and puts forth the results of their investments and updates readers monthly with the respective activities and performance. They will not do this because at some point their system fails or the risk dramatically increases undermining their position and statements put forth. I have no problem identifying an error to the membership. Actually, it will happen at some point; I look at it as an opportunity to learn or discover a flaw with the formulas used. Thus far, every trade has been beneficial to the Investment Fund. Only one trade to date under performed the expected outcome. It simply took longer to recover to the sales price desired. Thus, instead of a minimum 20% return on the investment, it was just slightly more than 14%. It is going to happen every now and then. Overall, the entire Fund simply outperforms all other major indices during the same time period.
Given the exceptional results, I’ve turned this site into a value investing membership site including an education channel whereby any visitor may read about the three phases of learning how to value invest. The last phase allows them to share their knowledge with other members of the club. Click on the Investment Club button above in the main menu bar and click on the member program to join.
If you need to contact me via e-mail, send to dave@comcast.net. I generally respond within 24 hours. YES, I actually do respond. I’m an educator, I love a good thought-provoking question and want to hear others’ insight to problem resolution or their unique business thinking.
I consider myself well read and an educator. I have the necessary formal education, job history, input from mentors and lifetime experiences to prepare me to write and document the primary tenet of business and correlating four principles of value investing.
- Undergraduate Degree in Accounting – Christopher Newport University
- Masters of Science in Accounting – Old Dominion University
- Certified Public Accountant – 1999 to 2012
- Certificate in Financial Planning – Old Dominion University 1994 (One-Year Program Exploring the 5 Areas of Personal Financial Planning)
I’m actively involved in the community and actually enjoy getting out there and helping others. It is how I meet new friends and hear wonderful stories about business and life.
Community Service:
- Nine Years as a Boy Scout Adult Leader (Committee Positions, Eagle Scout Mentor, Den Leader)
- Eight Years as a Little League Coach (And Yes, I’ve Been Beaned by Many a Baseball)
- Two Years as a Volunteer Little League Umpire (Parents take this game too seriously)
- Five Years as Committee Member for a Big Brothers/Big Sisters Chapter (2 Years as President of the Chapter)
- Two Years – Kiwanis Member
Two clients in particular were astute business persons. One was an engineer the other an RV dealer. Thank you Bob V. and Crosby Forrest for what you taught me about business and life. Along the way, I have performed services for many different industries and learned that each industry has their own set of principles and standards to earn a net profit. The lessons learned are what I write about on this site.
This site is designed to help investors utilize an excellent well tested and thorough process of systematic buying and selling of stock; it is commonly referred to as value investing.
If you need help or want some particular answers to any questions, please feel free to contact me via e-mail dhoare@comcast.net I’m not at my desk 24/7; so please be patient, I will respond.
Thanks for reading and I hope I help in some way.