There are six different investment opportunities in the military contractors fund group. The market value range for this fund group runs from a quality low end large cap company, Huntington Ingalls Shipbuilding at $7B, to General Dynamics with a market valuation of $273B. Thus, these investment stocks are all high quality, low risk investments which is one of the key investment principles advocated with value investing.
Today, November 30, 2021, the market saw a decline of 650 points with the DOW Jones Industrial Average. This pushed the price of Huntington Ingalls Industries lower by 2.32% below the predetermined intrinsic value of $185.
The largest subsidiary of Huntington Ingalls Industries is their Newport News Shipbuilding division. They are the sole builder of the United States Navy's aircraft carriers.
Today, the Value Investment Fund sold an options contract (PUTS) for 116.9591 shares of Huntington Ingalls Industries at $5.90 per share netting $4.90 per share.
Today, 03/07/22, the market price for Huntington Ingalls Industries reached a sales price of $226 per share netting the Value Investment Fund $225 per share.
Today is March 17, 2022. If you are value investor, you need to watch Huntington Ingalls Industries market price closely. Get ready to buy.
Huntington Ingalls Industries – Bought 200 Shares
On Friday the 1st of November 2024, Huntington Ingalls Industries’ (HII) shares dropped $60 in the market due to their financial outlook as reported in their quarterly reporting. The current intrinsic value is approximately $210 per share. The Value Investment Fund purchased these shares at $190 each and paid ...
Huntington Ingalls Industries – Sold PUTs November 2024
During the morning of November 1, 2024, Huntington Ingalls Industries – HII reported its third quarter results. HII had several financial setbacks causing the market price of this stock to drop dramatically. Within 30 minutes, the stock price dropped $60 from $250 to below $190.
When a stock price ...
Huntington Ingalls Industries – Bought Stock, Sold PUTs
On February 6th, 2025 Huntington Ingalls Industries reported their 4th quarter results. Due to Huntington’s inability to get the Navy’s signature on some contracts, the shipyard’s backlog has significantly changed which in turn affected the market’s opinion. The stock price dropped $32 per share. The Fund took advantage ...