Value Investing Now Sitemap
I’m sorry, I’m currently rebuilding this presentation page (Sitemap). It should be available later next month (January 2025). In the interim, please visit the content page for a list of the many articles I’ve written.
This site is designed for those that want to learn and practice value investing. It is the absolute best method of investing. It outperforms all major indices over time. Thus, the site is focused on value investing. There are currently three major sections on this site. Section One focuses on value investing and is the third tab on the menu above. Section Two explores business principles, and it is the fourth tab on the menu above. The fifth tab is the third major section and it is dedicated to industry standards. This site has almost completed its transition from small business knowledge to value investing. The transition should be completed by year end 2024. For now, the layout is as follows:
Value Investing – Primary Section & Purpose of This Website
This is the main page for the Value Investing Club. Subscription entitles the member to two separate programs. The first is access to the activity and models of the Value Investment Fund. An actual fund of various pools of investments is utilized with buy/sell models. Results are recorded to demonstrate actual progress of the growth of the fund. Lifetime to date annualized earnings is greater than 21% per year.
Although not required, the second aspect of this program encourages the subscriber to learn about value investing.
Membership Program – Explains the overall concept of the program. This page goes into detail about how the membership program works and explains the various sections within the educational channel.
Investment Fund Pools – Currently, there are seven pools of funds available to subscribers. One of the pools is tied directly to Phase II of the educational program for members. The other six pools have their own respective buy/sell business models along with articles about each industry’s potential investments (corporations).
Hotels – This particular section of investment pools exists as a function of the educational program for subscribers to the Value Investment Club. Please see Phase II below.
Lessons/Tutorials/Resources – The value investing educational program (education channel) is divided into three phases of lessons.
Phase I – Four Core Principles – A set of 18 lessons introducing the core tenant and four principles of value investing.
Phase II – Financial Analysis – A set of 80+ lessons that explain financial analysis and intrinsic value (principles, formulas, proper application).
Phase III – Sophisticated Investing – This section is considered the ‘sophistication’ phase of the program whereby members learn some tools that marginally leverage one’s portfolio.
Business Ratios – There are 21 commonly used core business ratios. Value investors use them to conduct financial evaluation of business entities for the purpose of setting buy and sell points in their business matrix models for their investment pools.