Watch Huntington Ingalls Industries

Huntington Ingalls Industries

Today is March 17, 2022. If you are value investor, you need to watch Huntington Ingalls Industries market price closely. Get ready to buy. 

Back in November 2021, this site’s Value Investment Fund purchased a $20,000 position in this company. On December 12th, the facilitator posted an article detailing the intrinsic value, buy price and market conditions. In February, the Fund updated the sell point due to the quality of financial performance during the fourth quarter of 2021. Last week, the Fund sold its position in Huntington Ingalls Industries when there was a sudden upward spike with the market price. It turned out as an excellent value investment; one that any value investor desires as a performance investment. 

This stock is getting ready to repeat that cycle. 

Huntington Ingalls Industries

The current intrinsic value is $188 reflecting the fourth quarter 2021 financial results as reported with Huntington Ingalls Industries’ annual report. The ‘Buy’ point is at or around $179 per share which provides a 5% margin of safety. This is a top notch company and has not experienced a long-term price depression for its market price during the last 10 years. Only once did the price drop more than 30% and that was a direct reflection of an entire market wide price drop due to COVID back in March of 2020. Look at this historical depiction of the market price for Huntington Ingalls over the last 10 years.

Huntington Ingalls IndustriesNow look at the market price over the last month:
Huntington Ingalls Industries

Today the market price opens at $194.36, yesterday the stock price dropped to $189.76. Thus, there is a good chance the market price will drop over the next few weeks to the preset buy price of $179 per share. If the market hits the price, this Fund will again take a $20,000 position. Given the fact that there are currently no other potential buy opportunities in the existing portfolio of 46 possible investments (ones that have been vetted and analyzed), the Fund will buy a second $20,000 tranche. 

The sell price is set for $226 per share for the first tranche. If a second tranche is purchased, that tranche’s sell price is set for $251 per share reflecting the multiple times the stock price exceeded $250 per share over the last five years. 

Overall, this company is solid, pays a very good dividend and is considered an excellent value investor’s opportunity at $179 per share. Act on Knowledge.

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