Purchased 2nd Tranche of Wells Fargo Bank

Wells Fargo BankThe Value Investment Fund purchased a second tranche of Wells Fargo Bank shares today, January 14, 2021, at 12:45 PM. This investment is $20,000. Grand total of investment in Wells Fargo Bank is now $30,000. The price per share including a $1 per share transaction fee is $35.78.

This particular investment is a part of the Banking Pool for the Club’s Investment Fund. The stock is currently trading just slightly higher than the traditional book value for Wells Fargo. The preset sell price is $53 per share.

This second tranche of stock brings the total investment to $30,000. Currently, there are no opportunities available with the Railways Pool and the Fund has $80,000 invested in the REITs Pool. Act on Knowledge.

Value Investment Club

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