Author name: David J Hoare

Masters of Science in Accounting, 30 YRS of business administration and financial reporting; prepared over 4,000 tax returns. Big believer in the business concept of 'marginal value' and its impact with market price. An advocate of the feedback loop in construction.

Accounts Payable Turnover Rate (Ratio)

Accounts Payable Turnover Rate

The accounts payable turnover rate is a business activity ratio measuring the frequency of the company’s ability to pay its vendors and suppliers. The numerical value is customarily reported as an annual value. The higher the number, the more often the payables are cleared (paid). A ’12’ would indicate that all payables are paid every month (360 days/12 = 30 days).  Ideal values exceed 20 as this indicates all accounts are paid on average at least every 18 days (360 days/20 = 18 days).

Real Estate Syndication

Real Estate Syndication

Real estate syndication is how apartment or office complexes are financed? A typical complex will have 80 to 100 units and the cost of construction will approximate $7,000,000. Where does this money come from? Your average person will think it is financed by a mortgage of some sort. Well, this is partially true, but mortgage companies will not finance 100% of the cost of construction. More like 75% maximum financing is used in constructing complexes. The balance has to come from private money. 

This is where the value of real estate syndication comes into play. The arrangement is usually a two tier relationship whereby an operating partnership is created that actually owns and operates the asset (the complex).  The second tier is a silent partner in the operating partnership. The following sections explain these two tiers in more detail.

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