Phase II – Financial Analysis

This phase of lesson sets explains intrinsic value and financial analysis. There is no single formula that is universal; there are at least six common formulas to calculate intrinsic value. The various formulas require the user to understand the five different financial statements and how to properly interpret them.

Value Investing – The Federal Reserve System (Lesson 20)

Federal Reserve System

No other federal government creation is more misunderstood than the Federal Reserve System. The Federal Reserve’s primary purpose is to act as the central banking system for the United States. Formed in 1913, the Federal Reserve was tasked by Congress with three primary functions. One – maximize employment in the United States. Two – stabilize prices (control the inflation rate) and three – influence the interest rates for long-term notes. Since 1913 the Federal Reserve has expanded its role to include setting the monetary policy and regulating the entire US banking system.

Common Stock – Definition

Common Stock

A document indicating ownership in a corporation is often referred to as common stock. It identifies an equity position in a business. The document or certificate is commonly referred to as a security and provides certain rights to the holder (owner). These rights include voting and residual value upon liquidation of the company.

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