Value Investment Fund – Fund Status 11/21/2020

Value Investment Fund

Each week, the value investment fund is updated to bring forward the current status including any transactions during the past week along with the current balance associated with the closing values from Friday.

Here is the current status:

REIT Pool                               # of Shares     Cost Basis     Market Price*         FMV
    – Equity Residential                 574.459         $30,000             $59.56             $34,214.78

    – Essex Property Trust             48.9644           10,000             253.10               12,392.89
    – UDR                                    606.9803           20,000               38.22               23,198.78      
       Sub-Totals                                                   $60,000                                     $69,806.45
Railways Pool
– Union Pacific                     114.9557          $20,000              201.96              23,216.45
        Sub-Totals                                                   $20,000                                     $23,216.45
        Totals                                                         $80,000                                      $93,022.90
Dividends Receivable                                      Norfolk Southern                              92.39
Cash                                                                                                                       23,008.66
Grand Total Investment Fund Balance (Net of Fees)                                   $116,123.95

*Adjusted lower $1 per share to account for the cost of selling the position; in effect, the FMV represents the value after all costs (transaction fees) are covered.

This is Week 4 of the 2nd year of the fund’s existence and it has already increased $16,123.95 of the $30,000 goal for the entire year. The $359 (.3%) increase over Week 3’s ending balance reflects the stagnant activity in the market as a whole. During this past week, the DOW Jones decreased by 1.37%. The difference between the DOW and the Investment Funds’ change is insignificant to make any value claim against the market as a whole. Suffice it to say, it held steady during this past week. Act on Knowledge.

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