Purchased 606.9803 Shares of UDR, Inc.

At close of business today, 10/26/2020, the REIT pool of the value investment fund purchased 606.9803 shares of UDR Inc., United Dominion Realty Trust, at $32.95/Each including transaction fees of $1 per share. UDR’s prior peak was $50.93. Therefore, using a 103% sell point of prior peak, my sell trigger is $52.46. Total investment in UDR is $20,000.

The REIT pool currently carries the following investments:

  • $30,000 of Equity Residential, with $10,000 of this as my set aside to cover any action required on the sale of PUTs for Union Pacific Railroad;
  • $10,000 of value with Essex Property Trust;
  • $20,000 invested in UDR Inc. as noted in the opening paragraph above.

Thus, the investment fund has $60,000 tied up in the REIT pool with no other investments and recent earnings from the sale of PUTs totaling $330.40. Act on Knowledge.

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